PURPOSE: The purpose of this form is to provide OSU inventors an easy way to connect with the Office for Commercialization & Corporate Development. After submitting this form, you will be contacted by a licensing manager who will help guide you through the invention disclosure process. In order to pursue commercialization and comply with OSU policy on intellectual property, a complete invention disclosure must be submitted through OSU’s inventor portal. We’re here to help!

MEANING OF INVENTION/INVENTOR: Invention and inventor are intended to include all new compositions of matter, methods, software, written or other tangible works ("inventions") made by OSU employees, inventors, designers, creators, or other contributors ("inventors")

Any feedback provided by OSU Advantage in response to the information provided on this form is intended solely as a preliminary evaluation. It is not intended as a final determination for or against patentability or commercial potential, nor is any feedback intended to constitute legal advice.

Please indicate the source(s) of funding used to make or develop this invention.
(i.e., publication, presented poster, or conference proceedings or presentation)
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