Moxie isn't an acronym for a long program title; it's a blend of determination, courage, and persistence, all essential in the world of innovation and entrepreneurship (I&E).

Join Moxie, a customized program for OSU women* innovators. Divided into three phases—Educate, Engage, and Execute—this program equips you with crucial early-stage I&E knowledge. You'll embrace your role as an innovator and acquire the skills needed to take your research to market. Selected participants will receive up to $4,000 and a dedicated mentor, crafting a personalized action plan for significant innovation milestones. Additionally, networking events, hosted by the Advantage Accelerator, connect you with fellow campus innovators and industry experts.

*Moxie is a program for everyone regardless of their gender identity or expression. Everyone who identifies as a woman, as well as those who support and fight for the rights of women, are encouraged to participate in this program. 

Program Phases:

Moxie kicked off Sept 29, 2023! This 15-month program consists of three main phases: Educate, Engage, and Execute

The next cohort begins in fall term of 2025 - Click Here to let us know if you're interested in joining! 


EDUCATE: Sept. 29 - Dec. 1, 2023

(8 in-person sessions, Friday mornings on campus)

Intro to crucial early-stage I&E topics and resources with discussions about gender-based barriers and translating innovation skills in an academic setting. You’ll be matched with your mentor at the end of this program phase.

Educate Weekly Schedule
September 29
Kickoff and Overview
October 6
Barriers + Mindset
October 13
Solving Problems + Value Propositions
October 20
Innovation in Academia
October 27
NSF TIP Programs
November 3
Demystifying Intellectual Property
November 17
Faculty Innovator Panel
December 1
Next Steps + Mentor Match

ENGAGE: Winter Term

(1:1 meetings with your mentor, no in-person sessions)

Your dedicated mentor will work with you to develop a 9-month action plan to reach a significant milestone in your innovation concept. Regular meetings with your mentor and Moxie staff will fit your schedule.

EXECUTE: Spring 2023 - Fall 2024

You work through your 9-month action plan. Moxie staff will connect with you every month while you make progress on your innovation concept. These meetings will be arranged around your availability.

Participant Payments:

Throughout Moxie, participants will be invited to networking and pitch showcase events held on campus. All participants will receive $4,000 payment for their successful completion of the Moxie program. These funds will be distributed as follows:

  • Dec. 2023 - $1,000 for completing Educate
  • Mar. 2024 - $1,000 for completing Engage
  • Dec. 2024 - $2,000 for completing Execute

Interested in Mentoring?

If you're interested in being a Moxie mentor please fill out the form that's link below! This isn't a commitment at this stage, but the information you provide will help us stay in contact with you moving forward. (Mentors will be provided a $1,000 stipend.)

Mentor Form