OSU’s Innovation Day

Each term at OSU, we set aside time to help faculty and student researchers learn more about the resources available to increase OSU's research impact through the broad adoption of research innovation by society.  

Are you working on a research project that could have societal and economic impact?  Interested in learning about resources available to help develop this research into something that might attract an industry partner or a startup? Attend the next Innovation Day Session!

OSU faculty participants have the opportunity to win a $5,000 Innovation Day Award. Further details included below.

Winter 2025 Innovation Day Session

We will cover available resources and funding to help you move innovation from the lab to a license.

Join this virtual 1-hour event hosted by the OSU Advantage office for OSU faculty and graduate student researchers to learn how you can take advantage of the funding and training opportunities that support innovation and entrepreneurship at the federal, state, and OSU levels. At this event, you will also learn how to apply for a special $5,000 Innovation Award available from the OSU Advantage office. 

We are happy to talk to you about any innovations you are working on, further questions about commercializing technology, and funding opportunities that are specific to your invention(s).

January 22nd, 2025, from 12-1pm


Innovation Day Award

Application Guidelines

With the Innovation Day Award, one faculty member will be selected to receive an award of up to $5,000 to answer a commercial question in the faculty member’s research such as “with this proof, I can confirm that I have unique innovative technology” or “I can confirm which industry will be interested in the outcome of this research.”

In order to eligible to be considered for this award, an applicant must:

  1. Attend and participate in the Innovation Day session on Wednesday, January 22nd.
  2. Send an email to [email protected] containing an “Idea Pitch” in a PDF file [1 page, 1 in margins, 11 point font, single space] explaining the innovation idea or technology and how you will use the funds by Friday, January 31st.

Here are some additional guidelines for your Idea Pitch:

Idea Pitch Submission Requirements

Each Idea Pitch should describe the following items:

  • Problem:  Describe a problem that you believe no one has solved very well to date.
  • Market:  Who will benefit most from a solution to this problem?
  • Technology:  How will your new solution address this problem?
  • Budget:  How do you plan to use the funds to advance your idea?

Participation in the OSU Advantage Accelerator Iterate program is required to receive the award. The Iterate Winter 2025 program meets Wednesdays virtually via Zoom four times: February 19th, 26 and March 5th and 12th all from 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. 

The winning team can use this $5,000 award for activities that will help advance the team’s conception and understanding of market opportunities for deployment of new products and services.

Funds can be used for approved uses such as:

  • product design and specification;
  • customer discovery (such as visiting and interviewing potential customers and stakeholders);
  • attending trade shows in relevant industries;
  • validation of use cases;
  • patentability research;
  • feasibility studies;
  • proof of principle prototyping;
  • market research;
  • and commercialization plan development. 

Funds can also pay for students to perform these activities. 

All uses of funds are subject to the winner’s preparation of a final budget to be reviewed and approved by OSU Advantage and the UVDF committee.

Funds may NOT be used:

  • to support faculty or staff salaries other than graduate research assistants;
  • to pay for publication costs;
  • to purchase lab equipment;
  • to fund basic research;
  • or to pay for other costs incurred prior to approval of expenditures.

Questions and Submissions

Please email all questions and submissions to John Sweet ([email protected]). 

Deadline for Submission: Friday, January 31st, 2025.

About the Innovation Day Award

The Innovation Day Award is made possible by OSU’s University Venture Development Fund (UVDF).  The State of Oregon, through special legislation designed to promote philanthropic donations targeted to commercialization of research at Oregon’s Universities, enabled OSU to create the UVDF to advance innovation at OSU.

Decisions will be announced by Friday, February 7th, 2025.